Just who is Mr. Walrath? That's a very complicated question. I'm married with two adult daughters. I am retired from 34 years of U.S. civilian and military service, and I was in DoDEA (both DoDDS and DDESS) since 1998. I live to Parañaque City, Phlippines and have joined the faculty at the German European School Manila. In July of 2018, I will be moving to Khartoum International Community School for a few years as their Director of Educational Technology.

Some of my other activities and jobs: I've been a professional cook, food service manager, ambulance Emergency Medical Technician (youngest in the State of Virginia at the time), I coach fußball/futebol (soccer to Americans), I've taught freshman college English Composition as well as many different high school subjects, I've lived most of my adult life outside the CONUS, I've jumped out of perfectly good airplanes (yes, intentionally), I built my first computer at age 7: an "analog" resistive dividing network to calculate math answers just like a slide rule works (don't know what that is? Look it up!), I have nearly 100 hours logged flight time at the controls or under instruction. I sail, and have built a small boat, and love spending time in and on the water. I am a PADI Divemaster, and hope to complete my IDC and OWSI IE during July 2018.

I played a 14-year old Joseph in a 2001 production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat and "Stephen" in a 2000 production of Godspell. Since I was age 7 (a very long time ago) I've directed, acted in, served as stage crew, lighting crew, or design crew for more than 50 comedy, drama, and musical productions in community and school theater programs. I've flown over the North Pole on a news story... and the list can go on. Very eclectic background. Here's part of my "official" bio:

Air Force Staff Sergeant Rich Walrath, under way in the Fayal-Pico
Channel, 1987

I have been involved in broadcast journalism since December, 1979, when I graduated from the Defense Information School (DINFOS) and reported for duty at Detachment 3, Air Force European Broadcasting Service, Lajes Field in the Açores, Portugal. In addition to service as a military broadcast and print journalist, I was a news director, mid-day announcer, and Chief Engineer at KIKS-FM in Iola, KS. I have also spent time as a civilian video production specialist at the Center for Enhanced Performance at the United States Military Academy (West Point).

I have attended both the Basic Broadcaster and Electronic Journalism courses at DINFOS (Defense Information School, Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN). I also participated in the National Press Photographer's Television News Film Workshop.

In addition to my broadcast experience, I have taught Advanced Placement U.S. and Comparative Politics; computer programming (C and C++), networking, and maintenance; Journalism (School newspaper); Drama and stagecraft; Economics; Russian History; and college Freshman English. I am also a free-lance video producer and DJ, and have been for many years.

I hold a BS in Liberal Studies with a concentration in History, and have recently (December 2010) been awarded for my MA in Theology and Christian Ministry from Franciscan University of Steubenville. I am enrolled in a diploma program with the University of Leicester in Archaeology and Ancient History, and also am taking courses in the DataStreme program, from AMS..

I have served on active duty in Germany, Italy, Iceland, Greenland, Portugal, Grand Forks ND, and Pease NH. With DoDEA, I was in Busan and Seoul Korea, Bamberg Germany, Arlington VA (where I taught DL Economics and C++), Guam, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (where I taught Drama, Journalism, Java, and Interactive Multimedia), Naples High School in Itlay (where I taught Drama, Yearbook, Video, and several computer courses), back to Korea where I taught Language Arts, Computers, Science, and Drama. Now, I'm teaching science, ICT, and Geography at the German European School Manila, on the European International School campus. Good stuff!

Berg Neuschwanstein; and yes, I know Neuschwanstein is NOT in Deutschland!
Image from My Three Angels, 2002

In my spare time, I am active in community theater, amateur radio, and taking classes for various reasons. I have recently completed my PADI Advanced Open Water SCUBA certification, so weekends when I'm not on the water, I tend to be under it. I put photos from my dives on this page if you're interested.

I am also known to spin CDs for parties and dances, and while I was in Guam, you could hear my alter ego, "Rich Edwards" on KSTO every Saturday and Sunday evening, playing Country Music.

In Cuba, I was a sometimes-active Amateur Radio operator (Extra class, KG4QB), and I like working HF, satellite, and APRS. Visit this link for more info on my Ham activities in GTMO. In Korea, I operated HL9PQB and HL1ZAR, APRS stations as well as an I-Gate and SatGate for the APRS system. I hold a Philippine Class A license, DU1ZXO. I also hope to be able set up and operate a school station at KICS, but that is pending the approvals of the Sudan government. This page will document my classroom work on the ham bands

I am a member of The National Soccer Coach Association of America (NSCAA), The Internatioinal Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA), The National Science Teachers Association of America (NSTA), The National Council of Teachers of English, and others.