Page last updated July 20, 2009

Archive info for KG4QB.

QSL Cards Received QSL Cards Sent
on 12/1/08 N2BX, K4DLG, WA4NVM, W9VNE ON 12/2/08:N2BX, K4DLG, WA4NVM, W9VNE (All AO51/Echo)
on 12/8/08 KD8CAO on 12/9/08: KD8CAO (All AO51/Echo)
on 4/2/09 N3TL-thanks! on 2/15/09: N3TL

IMPORTANT NOTE: Effective 6 June 2009, KG4QB is QRT, permanently. I am transferring to Napoli over the summer and pack out on the 8th. Expect to hear N0QBP (my CONUS call) on the birds and elsewhere once my property gets to Napoli.


During the recent visit to the ISS by Richard Garriott, W.T. Sampson students attempted to contact him by 2 meter voice...

Calling NA1ISS, this is KG4QB, over  
  Calling NA1ISS
NA1ISS, do you copy?  
This image is from the ISS pass on Thursday evening-no real image to see-it was getting dark already. More to come!
SSTV image-of sorts-more to come
Audio file from pass at 1225 UTC, 17 Oct 08  
ISS Pass SSTV image, 10/18/08
Image file from ISS pass (2 degrees above horizon!!) received 10/18 at 0853
These images were received 10/19/08... the timestamp on the image shows UTC time (UTC-4 = local Eastern time) And, no... your eyes are not playing tricks on you: the camera orientation was not the same as the astranauts: Image #2 was P/S rotated, the others were not.

Image from ISS #1Image from ISS #2

Image from ISS #3Image from ISS #4

ISS Image #5ISS Image #6
These images were received 10/19 at 1950 or so UTC.

July 20, 2009