Naples American Middle/High School
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This School Year (2010/2011)

Welcome to Mr. W's Naples High School class pages. The nav bar to the left of the page leads to each individual class. Be sure you select the correct class to see your syllabus, schedule, assignments, and resources.

With the 4th Quarter just around the corner, students need ot stay focused on class assignments and requirments. Many of you slacked off at the end of 3rd Quarter and your marks suffered because of that.

If you are in a computer class, that includes the REQUIREMENT that you complete a daily work report (DWR every class. The DWR documents what you did in class and what you did for homework since the previous class period. DWR submissions that are late are docked 3% for every class period late. DWR submissions that are vague or incomplete are marked down substantially. A DWR counts between 35% and 45% of your quarter grade depending on which class you are in!

You can also link directly to the class pages in the links below.

This quote from one of my professors typifies how I view lecture sessions and explains why I prefer hands-on project work:

"The definition of a lecture is the process whereby the notes of the instructor become the notes of the students, without passing through the minds of either" (Dr. Minto).

In support of Naples' CSI SMART goals of increasing students' critical thinking/problem solving skills and increasing number sense and mathematical concepts, you will start seeing some new icons on class and lesson pages. Those icons are explained below:

Math Link shows something within these curricular areas that helps understand a mathematical concept. For example, when looking at how one determines a flat is square (in drama), you use the mathematical skill of using the Pythagorean theorem.

Step 1This indicates the content focuses on step 1 of the Polya Four Step Problem Solving Model. For example, when assigned a video project, Step 1 focuses on determining exactly what the assignment entails and what is being asked for.

Step 2Step 2: Make a Plan... Once you know what your problem is, make a plan to solve it.

Step 3Step 3: Carry Out Your Plan... execute the plan you created in step 2.

Step 4Step 4: Look Back... check to see if your plan solved the problem.

Web Design (CTE)
Vid Comm II, III (CTE)
Digital Media (CTE)
Digital Imaging (CTE)
Yearbook (elective)

Period: 1

Yearbook focus Electronic Yearbook that will accompany print DVD

MECC Call for Video/Film (opens a PDF file with entry form and other info).

VCII extra credit opportunity: See Mr. W for a 3-point ec editing opportunity to edit and post a short video from the Jazz Fest, DUE 20 January! First come, first served!

Web Design (CTE)
Vid Comm I (CTE)
Digital Media (CTE)
Digital Imaging (CTE)
Yearbook (elective)

Period: 2

Focus: Print Yearbook


MECC Call for Video/Film (opens a PDF file with entry form and other info).

VCI: new assignment: a 30 second to 2 minute video for the web that answers a question a new student might have arriving at Naples M/HS from another school.

Drama/Theatre (MS)

Period: 3

Current Activities:
  • Puppet show; Storytelling

  • Theatre games: space and movement.

Recent Activities
  • Makeup session 1.

Prep period

Period: 4

Prep period

Period: 5


Period: 8

Video Production (MS)

Period: 6
Vid Pro Activities:
  • Developing a 30 second to 2 minute video for the web that answers a question a new student would have arriving at Naples Middle/High school.
  • Web Video, Creating web pages with student created SWF files.



Period: 7

Current Activities:
  • One Act Play productions


Recent Activities

